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22 Ekim 2007 Pazartesi

Tarot Reading: October 23rd to 29th 2006

Probably many of you have heard of the term Tarot or have seen Tarot cards. Some claim that the word Tarot comes from the ancient Egyptian word, Ta-rosh, meaning the royal way. In Tarot, Tarot cards are used to look into a situation, a question of a person. Tarot cards are cards specially designed and prepared for Tarot readings that have special symbols on them. There are 78 cards in a deck and 22 of them are numbered from 0 to 21. These are called the Major Arcana. The 16 of the remaining cards are called Court Cards. Finally, the last 40 are called Minor Arcana. Some people believe that these cards originated in China; some claim they are from India. However, we are able to tell that Tarot cards appeared in Europe in the 14th century. Tarot cards seem to carry symbols from various teachings such as Indian, Egyptian and Persian magical doctrines and Greek philosophy and Cabalistic teachings and beliefs. Numerology is an important element.


Tarot is usually defined as a visual map of our consciousness and a system of symbols that we can use to receive insights about our spiritual and personal development. Through the symbols of each card and through our choices of picking these cards, we are given information about issues, feelings and situations normally hidden from us during the course of our own lives.

You might have seen or have heard of people trying to read into the past or the future through the use of these cards. Used properly, Tarot Cards may be a great tool to look into our thoughts and feelings. However, in its true form Tarot does not talk about our past, present or the future in specifics. As my Bio-energy teacher Moshe Abudaram would say: “Would you really want to wake up to a tomorrow you already know?” Tarot looks at events through the perspective of energy and gives us information about the energy of the person or event at hand, and also about what energies are available to us to make the most of the current circumstances.


This week to give you a taste of Tarot, I will give you a reading for the specific days of this week and also this month, in the hopes of making you aware of the energies of these days. I also hope that this reading will help you to make the best of your days.


Tarot Reading of the Week of October 23rd to October 29th, 2006:

October 23rd, Monday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I surrender to the transforming powers of the divine. I am an open channel for creative energy.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
The principles of integration, synthesis and synergy are in play today. If we would like to be able express ourselves as whom we really are, we need to incorporate the light and dark side of our mature. We need to balance the polarities and paradoxes in our lives. Experience your life as an art form. Allow yourself to be creative. Make balance your priority in your daily activities today.

October 24th, Tuesday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I am now ready to meet the partner I have always longed to meet.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
Relationships are an important part of your life. In ever relationship whether it is with your family, friends or colleagues, it is important to act with a child-like innocence and playfulness. Loyalty and commitment are two very important aspects of a relationship. Remind yourself that at certain times, we need to be alone to be able to have a loving relationship. We need to make sure that we do not feel limited, restricted or restrained in our relationships. Make sure that you allow your loved ones to be whom they really are freely.

October 25th, Wednesday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I am putting my life in order and preparing for the new beginning.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
Change and the movement form stillness to activity and back may be felt during the day. It is important to remind yourself that in times of change, it is important to balance activity with times of quietude.
Stimulate and motivate others positively. Accept the responsibility of the events of your life. Realize that with the correct consciousness things can be accomplished effortlessly and well.

October 26th, Thursday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I am at rest in my own centre.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
Balance and justice are important today in your life. You have the intention to bring more clarity, balance and simplicity into your life. Meditate to break through illusions and deceptions to be truthful in difficult situations. Honor your word and commitments. Try to be centered and balanced. Be aware that Nature is a reflection of your own nature. Also, look into your relationships with any people with the Libra zodiac sign in your life, in order to find balance and harmony in your life.

October 27th, Friday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I enjoy my aloneness. I can stop being alone whenever I wish.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
Day of completion and introspection. We need to be able to understand and grasp our talents and values to be able to express them and use them externally. It is a day to complete unfinished business. At times you may feel the strong need to be alone or to be in silence. Look into your relationships with any Virgo people in your life if there are any. You may want to do something with your hands today to express yourself through: Cooking, working with clay, giving Reiki if you have an initiation. Learn not to compromise what is important to you. Explore your inner worlds in meditation.

October 28th, Saturday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I am now ready for the miracle of my life”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
This is a day of opportunities and prosperity. Today is a lucky day. You may encounter events and incidences that may turn into very positive and expansive opportunities. You may also have “aha!” experiences that seem to lights a light bulb in your head so to say. Keep in mind that abundance comes from keeping things in motion and being open to new opportunities. Remind yourself that you have an internal abundance, and once you accept that this abundance will manifest externally as well. Be an open-minded and flexible person.

October 29th, Sunday:
Affirmation of the Day:
“I enjoy living to the utmost.”
Tarot Reading of the Day:
Strength and passion are with you. Express you energy and enthusiasm in that you do and experience during the day. Overcome your old fears and express your original talents with character and strength. Believe that you have the strength to tame the confusions within. Be aware that Leo people in your life can be important mirrors in your life reflecting you your own potentials for creative expression. Or you may feel directed to solve issues related with people with the Leo zodiac sign. You may also feel the need to trust your intuition. Utilizing good judgment, you will be able to make choices that give you peace of mind and also that will make you shine.

Tarot Reading of the Month of October:

This is a month of new beginnings, expansion and creativity. Life holds unexpected gifts and possibilities for us. We stand in front of great possibilities that have the taste of miracles. If things are not flowing abundantly, it is good to ask if we ourselves feel we are ready for good fortune or not. This month, please write what fortune means to you and make a list of the things that you feel stand in the way.
Do not let go of going after your desires. When you resist this inner drive, your energy of life stagnates. Do not be overwhelmed. Go step by step. Face the issues that are standing in your way and do something about it.
If you stop being jealous and reach an emotional freedom in your relationships, you will not be imprisoned by your emotions anymore. Realize that we are led to out special path no matter what. Is there anything else preventing you from being free? Let go of all the reasons. The more you love yourself, the more you can share with others.
You will have very clear moments and times in this month. You might receive insights. Make sure that you share your insights with your full heart. And be aware of what brings you clarity and what diminishes your clarity.
During this month, it may also be a good idea to find time to relax deeply and examine you past, present and future. Feel inner peace which is a special gift. Be aware of the important things in your life. Be aware of the decisions you need to make. And while keeping your peace, but not clinging to it, make your decisions.
Remember “it is always darkest just before the dawn.”

Tarot gives answers to our questions. Yet, the quality of the questions that we ask determines the quality of the answers we receive. I guess life is all about choices. What we choose, we receive.

May your path always be shining with light. With lots of love,
Affirmation of the Week:
“I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking, and my finances reflect this change.” By Louise L. Hay
Quote of the Week:
“Whenever I have to choose between two evils, I always like to try the one I haven’t tried before.”
Mae West
Suggested Reading:
“Enthusiasm Makes the Difference” By Norman Vincent Peale.
The Turkish translation of this book is sold under the name “Farkı Yaratan Coşkudur.”